@agbrace There is a very nice improvement on the sound with 2 AHB2’s. It becomes louder at the lowest gain setting (actually all 3 settings). It is way more powerful, if your speakers, need that power. On the spec sheet, monos are even quieter than the single stereo AHB2. The damping factor does go down.
Unfortunately, with my Thiel CS3.7 . the 2 Ohm requirement was not satisfied as nicely as the single stereo AHB2. However, the next 2 speakers I am looking to buy, the Yamaha NS5000 or KEF Blade META 2 can use the monos perfectly since they do not require the 2 Ohm power. I sold my Thiel CS3.7’s today so my next speaker purchase awaits.
I actually need to get a second AHB2 again because my best speaker cables are short length Audience FrontRow with SPEAKON terminations. Need to get another AHB2 to put that back into the system. It is a wonderful speaker cable.