DAC diminishing returns

Looking for some experienced input on the diminishing return as you go up the the DAC ladder. I mostly stream music and occasionally listen to CDs.  Currently, I’m using a Schiit Bifrost Multibit DAC.  It’s connected to my Naim Nait 5Si and that drives Zu Omen ii speakers. In my limited experience, I have not heard any substantial differences when changing DACs.  I’m considering a Denafrips Pontus DAC.  Does the significantly higher cost justify what might be a marginal increase in sound quality?  Is buying a more expensive DAC for better sound just splitting hairs, and making you feel better about your system?  Are different DACs just different coloration of the sound?

I don’t want to be duped into buying something I don’t really need. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by fleschler

I own a very highly modified Benchmark DAC1 HDR.  It has great bones such as a linear power supply and good DAC chips.   However, it has really cheap computer power and filter caps, regulators (50¢).   I replaced them all with audiophile quality caps, $50 regulators and a new audio board, among other items.  The result is a very high end unit ($10K) at under $1400.  Similar for less money using an Emotiva DAC from 2011 which selling for half the Benchmark, about $1000 converted (no room for another audio board).  

I would be suspect of many less expensive DACs unless they include higher end components (just like my discussion about transports-cheap computer based transports generally result in inferior sound as audio transports).