DAC Dilemma

I will (probably foolishly) put my decision before you all and see if I get any informed opinions, or if I just get scoffed at. I have been at this hobby many years, but must admit to not having the sophistication that many of you do. To those of you that are DAC experts. I have read, and it is my understanding that DAC technology has progressed to the point that 1) new "entry level" DAC’s blow away earlier generation DACs that originally cost much more, and 2) the difference between most current DACs as far as sound quality is pretty subtle. I have an Aurender N100H (which is going to stay) with a PS Audio DirectStream DAC (Not the $6K version. The $3K version with no bridge) feeding into an Audio Research SP16 tubed preamp into a high end solid state amp. Should I 1) just keep what I have (yes, it sounds good, but it could always be better) 2) replace the PS Audio with an Audio Research DAC7 that is about 11 years old but very well reviewed in it’s day, or 3) sell the PS Audio and the Audio Research SP16 and replace both with a Benchmark DAC3 HGC. The Benchmark would give me a current Class A DAC along with multiple inputs for digital, and two inputs for both of my turntables, thus eliminating the need for a separate preamp. But, would the Benchmark SOUND better than either the PS Audio DAC or the DAC7? I am very much aware that the DAC's mentioned above address the actual digital to analogue conversion in very different ways which is precisely why I'm asking which one you think gives the best (natural, uncolored, transparent) sound. Opinions please.

Showing 5 responses by jjss49

in my experience, in a high quality good well balanced well constructed system in a good room, the psa-ds should sound noticeably smoother, significantly more analog, less robotic, if slightly less overtly detailed, than the topping d90 ak or ess chip dac - much more timbral purity and accuracy from a properly working directstream - even with the older versions of the firmware

with sunlight firmware, the psa-ds will bring forward some more etched detail in the treble, and will add more air to the sound stage, while maintaining the warm liquid midrange and mid-bass

those more used to and liking brighter more overtly detailed up front sounding systems can feel the psds with older firmware comes across as somewhat dull...

so if you still have your psa unit it is probably worth having it checked out - their customer service is good - even though it has gotten its last firmware update with no more to come, it is still worth a couple grand plus, so quite worthwhile making sure it is functioning properly

glad to hear you found a dac you like, and a pretty inexpensive one at that

i must say i think there was/is a malfunction of some sort with your psa directstream

anyways, no matter, you are on to something you like better, that is all that matters
Honestly, the Border Patrol Dac is all you need....once you hear one, you will be hooked. Forget about all the hi-res non sense...this dac sounds analog...r2r, no filtering, tubed power supply.

one person’s opinion above

mine is rather different, the pursuit is to find something better in our systems and take/enjoy the journey towards that end... have cake and eat it too, so to speak

the b-p dac was in my system for about a month, i moved on... other dacs at the same price level surpassed it in ’analog-ness’ AND detail/transparency/air...
The Directstream is nice dac, not the greatest resolving, but I'd stick with it vs. others you mention.

op should make sure, if he hasn't already, that his direct stream unit has the latest firmware download from ted smith, called 'sunlight'... provides substantially improved sense of resolution than the prior versions which overly smoothed the sound

my 2 cents

modern lower cost dacs do not blow away well respected well performing older dacs

good modern dacs indeed sound different... the difference in sound on a high resolution well assembled system is immediate and obvious

good luck on your pursuit, hope you find something you are really happy with