DAC - DCS Bartok or the new Berkeley Alpha DAC 3

Looking for a dac trying to decide between DCS Bartok or the new Berkeley Alpha DAC 3.

I will not be able to hear them before I buy so I am looking for general thoughts.

They will be paired with MC462 and C22.  I have Revel 228BE speakers.

I am also looking for a streamer that can do multiroom with out roon.

Currently considering Bluesound node or Moon MIND2

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Showing 4 responses by drbond

Just curious, how would an Esoteric streamer/DAC, such as the $20k N-01XD compare with the $15-20k DCS, Berkeley, and ARC DAC's?   

I know almost nothing about DAC, except that there are at least two different approaches to DAC: a delta sigma approach, and an R2R approach.  Are all of these DAC's (ARC, Berkeley, and DCS) delta sigma DAC's?

It appears that most of the DACs are not set up to receive 2 channel input from a CD transport.  They all have 2 channels out, but just various connections for streaming, but nothing for transports.  How would I connect a transport to one of these?