DAC and Amplifier Synergy?

Hi All - 

In rebuilding my office system, I've been reflecting on my audio journey over the last few years. To put it simply, I've come to understand everything mattters. The room. Your ears. And all the synergies between pieces of equipment and cables. 

There are a ton of ways to achieve audio bliss. 

That said, I wanted to hear people's thoughts on DAC and Amp matching. Are some dacs just a better fit with specific amps and speakers? 

Are there specific matches between dacs and amps that worked especially well? Likewise, have you tried partnering a prized dac with a respected amp that, at least on paper are standout equipment, just to realize they have no synergy in your room? Alternatively, what are the examples of dacs and amps truly singing together? 

I'd welcome hearing examples of dac/amp synergy (or lack of it) from folks experiences. 

Specifically, I'm seriously considering partnering a T+A Dac 200 with a Luxman 590 axii with Graham or Falcons LS3/5a speakers. On paper it seems like it would be a great match. But who knows? 


Showing 4 responses by soix

Your initial response to me as to what you’re looking for…

I think that is part of the puzzle for me. Initially I thought I really liked a warm and relaxing sound. I set up my main system to accomplish just that. But now I’m realizing I might prefer a more neutral and propulsive presentation...

Then that turns into…

Not necessarily looking for that system to be overly propulsive and energized. Rather, for that room, leaning towards some warmth is good.

These statements are polar opposite and this was not a “misunderstanding” at all so do not call it that because this is all on you and your total miscommunication. I very clearly understood what you initially wrote above, you just wrote it completely backwards. If you’re gonna ask people to spend their valuable time helping you the least you can do is put just a little effort into accurately communicating what you’re asking for.

Not necessarily looking for that system to be overly propulsive and energized. Rather, for that room, leaning towards some warmth is good. 

That is exactly the opposite of what you wrote in your response to me.  That’s inconsiderate and this was a total waste of my time/effort and I’m out. 

But now I'm realizing I might prefer a more neutral and propulsive presentation... 

I would not think LS3/5a speakers would fit with this at all.  Some excellent speakers off the top of my head in that price range that’d be much more inline with those goals would be ATC SCM19, Fritz Carbon 7, Joseph Audio Prizm, Usher Dancer Mini-X, but there are many more.  Ditto the Luxman amp — my mind immediately went to Hegel although there are others.  Then again, maybe the Luxman with the above speakers would give you enough neutrality and propulsion as it’s all about tastes/synergy, but the LS3/5a would be a non starter for me.  The T+A DAC should be fine, and I’d add Bricasti or Meitner among others.  Just some thoughts/ideas FWIW, and best of luck. 

This all completely depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for.