Da Vinci AAS Gabriel

I read the TAS review of this USD60K tt. Has any audiogoner out there any first hand experience with this tt and can share opinions? I currently use the TW Acustic Raven AC3 tt with the Davinci arm and cartridge. Wondering if it is worthwhile at all to switch to the AAS Gabriel tt.
For this amount of money, i will go for the Walker turntable and stay happy listening to all my Lps.
Looks like trophy audio too me, so I'd stay with the Raven AC3 - happy listening to all MY Lps and get some more.
But, that may just be a bit boring?
Want to drive "Porsche", go get one and get it out of your system while you can.
I listened to it 1-2 times, but I couldn't make a comparison. But there is worse out there.
Well, a Walker table can be interesting, but whatever you do, it will influence the sound and no one knows, is it better or is it only different. The DaVinci is a different solution and you can use any Arm you want. I would prefer it to a Raven any minute of the day, but the latest one (forgot the name) from DaVinci could be interesting too. It has some design solutions from the AAS.