Da Benz?


If anyone would care to recommend a cartridge for the setup below I’d greatly appreciate it! Thinking about a Benz Micro wood (but don’t know if it should be low, medium, or high output version). Also considering a Grado but am open to other suggestions. Looking to be  in the $1k – $2k price range.


    Sota STAR TT

    SME IV Arm

    Conrad Johnson EF1 Phono Stage

    Conrad Johnson Premier 16 LS Pre

    Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono Blocks

    Vandersteen Wood Quatro Signature Speakers

    Vandenhul Tea Track Bi-wire

    Stealth PGS IC’s

Prefer a warm and relaxed sound but with good articulation.

Music tastes are classical, soft jazz (Diana Krall, Holly Cole, etc.), and classic rock.

Thank you!



Showing 1 response by marco1

I had the same amp and pre with the Premier 15 phono.  The Premier 15 had similar gain as the EF1 which was not enough for a LOMC cart.  You'd probably do best with the medium output Benz.