D’Appolito designs in smaller rooms?

can anyone comment on experiences here? if bass is well trapped, how does the rest of the frequency come together if you're forced to listen < 10' away? is this D’Appolito design only useful for larger rooms?
In my experience, you want a narrower radiation pattern in a small room than you do in a large room, and in most cases you want to use more toe-in than normal. This is to keep the energy in the early reflections to a minimum. To the extent that the MTM format reduces early reflections in the vertical plane imho it's theoretically a step in the right direction, but that narrowed vertical pattern of the midwoofers should carry over to the tweeter as well, which is seldom the case.
I'm less than ten feet away from my Mini Utopias. The drivers seem well integrated to me.
I have a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios which use MTM design. The room is 14X12 and is smallish. I intend to move the system across to the otherside where there is more long wall, and I can experiment with distance from back wall. Here is my experience in their present location flanking a flat screen and stand. I throw a comforter over the TV to dampen down the room a bit more---I have a big sofa and overstuffed recliner chair, but a wall of windows which tends to make the room bright. The sound is very good but IMO could be much better. There is a node in the room which covers over the midrange, and the speaker sounds louder than its volume setting.In addition, the focus and imaging seems not as precise as manufacturer claims. I probably need some echo busters in the corners of the ceiling behind speakers or bass traps in the corner. If you are familiar with "live-end" "dead-end" theory of room dampening, the live end is where you sit.... I was advised to tilt them backward by using the short spikes that are standard with the speaker and extending the height of the spikes of the front outrigger . This did seem to help balance the speaker better and the sound is smoother, but there is much more potential to this speaker which I want to tap. I hope this helps Good Luck! Jim
Most definitely not.I don't understand why you would say that,care to elaborate?