D/A Converter in Rega Planet vs. Classe Pre-amp

I own a Classe SSP-30 and Rega Planet CD player. While I know the ultimate answer is in actually listening to the two setups, would anyone please mind commenting on my question:

What do you think would provide better performance: Using the D/A converters in the Planet and sending the analog signal to the processor or running a digital cable to the Classe processor and using the Planet as a transport only and relying on the D/A's in the Classe?

Your comments are appreciated. thanks very much.

Showing 1 response by ronno500

Gerryn, as you have experience in the set-up, I would be interested to hear your opinion on the Classe SSP-30 DAC.

I am thinking of purchasing the Classe in the very near future and have thought of that also.
