
Responses from ronno500

Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 - MK I vs MK II
Hi James,Actually I do not intend to use another player as a transport, if I went with the Capitole I. I am just curious as to what changes were made - sorry I am an engineer.Thanks for the additional suggestion reagrding Prima 2 DAC.RegardsRon 
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 - MK I vs MK II
Thanks guys. Those are great and informative posts so far.Do you guys know if the digital sections (DACs, etc.) are identical? From the descriptions I found of each player, they appear to be identical.ThanksRon 
Opinions on Focus Audio
Paul,Your welcome.The following sentence should say:"but the Dynaudio has tight controlled low end that was NOT lacking.." sorry for typo.I agree the PMC are fairly boring in appearance, similar to the previous Dynaudio 3.3. I guess Dynaudio decid... 
Opinions on Focus Audio
Norge,I have also briefly auditioned the PMC and the Dynaudio.Generally, IMO, I found the speakers to be excellent performers and somewhat similar. In both cases they were very dynamic, had detailed midrange and smooth extended treble. I though th... 
D/A Converter in Rega Planet vs. Classe Pre-amp
Gerryn, as you have experience in the set-up, I would be interested to hear your opinion on the Classe SSP-30 DAC.I am thinking of purchasing the Classe in the very near future and have thought of that also.ThanksRon