Cut lower frequency to help my bookshelf speakers

Dear All,

I try to open a new topic… which i did not find in the previous discussion so maybe is new to the most

 I have a 2 channels system which i want to improve with a minidsp or eq

the question in short is the following:

i love my dynaudio special 25 speakers but often i feel the need to have a better punch on the bass frequency

so i tried to add a couple of svs 1000 pro subs… with excellent results

point is that when i turn up the volume too much i feel the dynaudio midwoofer cone rattle when hit the lower frequency (actually the coil reaches the end of the air gap into the magnet)

so im thinking to add a dsp or eq to cut the lower frequencies before they reach the dynaudio

i have a pre audio research LS2 + amp mark levinson 23.5….. the idea is to add the dsp or eq in the middle and have the following configuration:

  1. connect the minidsp or eq. to the first rca out of the audio research (fortunately i have 2 rca and 2 din outputs) and then to the mark levinson …. in this way i could to cut all the bass frequency under 50 or 60 hz and have the levinson handle  the dynaudio 

  1. connect the 2 subs to the second rca out of the audio research and use the svs internal dsp with iphone app to calibrate them

Hope is clear… What do you think?

Better a miniDSP 2X4 or a Schiit loki mino+

Or anything else?

tks alot for any help or useful hint, best



Showing 1 response by yogiboy

This is from the SVS SB-1000 owners manual. Using the high pass filter should give you the best results!

Line Level Inputs These inputs are used for line level connections to the subwoofer. For a single mono connection to an A/V receiver, use the R/LFE input. For 2-channel applications, use both the L and R inputs. Line Level Outputs These outputs are used in 2-channel applications to high pass the signal being sent to the loudspeaker amplifier. The line level outputs feature a fixed 80 Hz 12 dB/octave high pass filter.