@arcticdeth... yes also i could sell the dynaudio and buy a floorstand.... but before i want to try to get the best out of the special 25
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him think.
Reminds me of a friend with a Ford Pinto. Why won't the Pinto do 125? He was sure the car would be just fine doing 125. So he goes flat out down the Gorge. Columbia River Gorge. Big downhill grade. Miles long steep hill. Flat out. Almost gets there, too. 120 I think he said. According to the speedometer. Week later, according to the head gaskets he needs a new Ford Pinto.
Keep it up buddy, keep trying to wring blood out of a turnip. What you will get instead, first scraping, then smoke, then finally the only thing you might just maybe understand, a totally blown little speaker. Perfectly good speaker, ruined by rank mulish stubborn refusal to learn.
Only thing I am trying to understand, why come here if all you are going to do is refuse to listen to all the good advice? Why not just plug the speaker straight into the wall, put it out of its misery? Where you are headed anyway.