Customs and duties in USA bringing and Amplfier from Europe

HI everyone,

Has anyone had the experience of buying an amplifier in Europe and bringing it here to USA?

How much is porcentage of customs and taxes that  I need pay in case I buy an amplifier from Europe?



Why go to that much trouble? There are plenty of great amps available in the US. 

@russ69 In retrospect, it was probably a bad idea. But shipping was reasonable ($350 for a 120 lb amp, it would cost that much to ship in in the US).  I had been looking for an amp for quite a while.  I need a remote and a pre-in feature.  It is surprising how few tube amps have the pre-in or HT bypass feature.  Found an Ayon on Audiogon in Cypress.  Purchase was pretty easy, shipping took a while.  I bought the 240 V amp since i have 240V at my audio location.  May be hard to sell in the US since most do not.  It is a really nice amp though. Ayon makes good sounding stuff. 


Thanks to everyone, this has been very helpful in case I buy an Amplifier from Europe.

Best regards!! 

Ayon - makes amazing CD sources (but breaks frequently)
Jadis - will be extremely expensive ... has its own style of sound
T + A ... good technique, but in the USA you will find a dealer
If you are not afraid of difficulties (you need to look for delivery through intermediary countries) and want a cool amplifier for life - there is a Russian company