Custom plinth


Showing 3 responses by bdp24

I'm a fan on mahogany. I used to own a fair number of pieces of old English furniture covered in that wood. One of my Gretsch drumsets is finished in old-growth Brazilian walnut, no longer available.
@brunomarcs: Yes, the staint hat is applied to the wood veneer is also applied to the exposed edge of the Birch ply. Since that edge is so small, the lack of grain is not noticeable.
Incredible! Love the Festool's, I make do with my Bosch ;-) .

When Art Dudley made a plinth for his Thorens TD-124, he used multiple pieces of Baltic Birch ply, but then didn't veneer, leaving the exposed Birch layers (13 per sheet, a stack of 6 pieces then having 78 layers!) visible. I, perhaps owing to my Scandinavian lineage, prefer that look to finished hardwood veneer.