custom built rack's.

ive looked at hunderd's of rack's within the last few weeks from all kind's of different manufacturer's & so far none will fit my needs,either they all are too weak or the shelve's are not spaced far enough apart to accomodate my amp's.

does anybody have a clue as to where to buy a rack that will hold the weight of several monster amp's & have shelve's that are spaced atleast 14 inche's apart,also the rack will need to be able to handle 800 to 1,000 lbs of gear safely.

im not oposed to having a rack custom built but im clueless as to what companies build to order & how long such an order would take or even the price range to have this done.

if worse come's to worse i have some super nice black walnut plank's that ive been saving for a special project that i could build my own out of but i would prefer to just buy a rack.

any ideas ?


Showing 1 response by warnerwh

You can also build a Salamander clone any way you want. These are extremely strong. You just need some threaded rod @ 3/4". For wood on mine I used a sheet of finish plywood. Cut it into four 2'x4' pieces and bolted it together. This is a double wide one that is just right for all the stuff I have. Being 24" deep it's plenty deep to set even a very large power amp(s) on. Putting the amps on bottom also helps stabilize it even more but it's strong as heck anyway. Another thing I like about this rack is that the shelves are adjustable. Cost to do it myself was under 200 bucks if I remember correctly.