Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?

Showing 3 responses by missioncoonery

 The high end users I know,or most of them don't get engaged with site much...and I don't blame them.I agree with psag.
Guys guys...lets play nice,lol....I assume this post was speared toward all the Tekton talk and how some of us find it ridiculous and just spoon fed BS..Could be wrong but that's how I see it.Maybe someone should start a post for non Tekton owners only,lol.Would be refreshing if nothing else
I see the spokes person for Tekton has started a thread for their users only,lol..Now where did that idea come from, about boring . Maybe I should suggest we start a non tekton user group only site and he can follow suite,hehehe