Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?

Showing 10 responses by kdude66

No Op hasn't heard the Just dreaming of stuff unobtainable.

Now how pathetically boring is that?

Could it be that a larger % of today's Audiophiles/Music lovers are seeking more value for every dollar spent.

Even though my budget is probably greater than average and I have owned some really nice gear over the yrs.I look for the most bang for the buck kind of gear now.

Speaking of "Boring" this thread has got to be the most useless one that I have ever looked at.
No real substance at all with nothing to be learned.


With respects,Been There and heard that.


Know that's a speaker I would like to hear,Worlds best tweeter how could I resist.

"For me a great speaker, regardless of price, simply gets out of the way so quickly that I lose my attention of them and I am instead drawn to the music alone"

I like this.😃


Fair enough,I will follow your lead.


I really think you should be the one that starts the new thread and I promise I will leave it alone unless you refer to a speaker that I have owned or heard.


+1 my friend.

"Yes, I know we DI owners are an enthusiastic bunch. But for good reason I think."

I totally agree.
