Current sensing phono stages w/Rega?

Hey folks,

Anyone using Channel D Lino C 2.0 or the Sutherland Little Loco with a Rega RP8? 

I got some great advice here on researching my first cartridge and phono stage upgrade.

Cartridge was upgraded from the Exact MM to the Ania Pro MC on my Rega RP8.

After researching the suggested phono stages, I home demoed a Musical Surroundings Nova III (with both stock walwart and optional LPS), Rega ARIA MK3 MM/MC, Black Ice Audio F159, and a Konus Audio Vinyle 1000MC Mark II.

The Konus is the only current sensing unit and the one I like the best. 

Two other current sensing units I would like to try are the Channel D Lino C 2.0 and the Sutherland Little Loco but came across the following:

The Absolute Sound Channel D Lino C 2.0 review excerpt:

Briefly, any phono cable/tonearm combination where twisted-pair-conductor cables are employed and the two conductors are not connected to the turntable (or shield) ground can be used. An example of a tonearm/cable that can’t be used would be a standard Rega ’arm where the shield is connected to one of the outer shells of the RCA, which is also a signal connection.

Stereophile Sutherland Little Loco review excerpt:

Your tonearm wiring must be fully balanced between cartridge and phono preamp, with no connections between any of the tonearm leads and ground. That means that the Little Loco won't work, for example, with your Rega arm, unless it's rewired. 

Has anyone rewired a Rega to work with either?

Thanks everyone!


Showing 4 responses by boothroyd

According to the Sutherland website, the MkII version of the Little Loco, “It is “good to go” with no special concerns on turntable signal wiring.

The original little LOCO had an essentially balanced input signal requirement. The signal came in on both the RCA center pin and the RCA shell. There was a strict requirement that the RCA shell float above ground.

The newly designed Mk2 transimpedance input stage is now single ended. The signal comes in on the RCA center pin. The RCA shell is at ground level.”

The Mutech Hayabusa, which as been described as a continuation of the NLA Transfiguration Proteus, has a Coil impedance of 1.5Ω. 

I believe all of the My Sonic Labs (MSL) are under 2Ω with their Ultra Eminent EX having the lowest Internal impedance @ 0.6Ω.

ZYX Optimum: 1 Ohm

Of course the SL versions of Lyra’s range including their latest lower inductance “Lambda” series and the half-wound Koetsu Urushi Vermilion should also be considered excellent contenders.

There is an audiogon thread out there where fans of current gain have posted what’s worked well for them.

From my experience with various Sutherland Loco preamps (with an input Z of a fraction of an ohm) I’ve gotten great results with pickups up to 14Ω such as the “R” version - Denon 103R.

All of the Ortofon Quintet & Cadenza Series are between 5~7 ohms starting at $346 & their vintage SPUs (LOMC versions) are between 2~6 ohms starting at $599 👍

FWIW, the 6ohm alnico magnet Dynavectors: XX-2 MkII, TKR & DRT XV-1s are definitely favs in the Loco universe 👍