Current deals to good to pass up!

Feel free to post links to any current deals, new or used, that we ‘goners might want to consider!

Showing 3 responses by b_limo

Uh, maybe I should have added deals that are too good to pass up but ghat you aren’t buying…?

figured you guys were above this thread!

all you seasoned audiophile curmudgeons who already g
have end game systems need not reply!
Awesome!  Thanks for the replies.  Some obscure items for sure.  Cool to see all of us window shoppers sharing the good deals that we know / obsess about.

heres another one!

$4200 originally.  Limited at 16 bit but whatever, they sound fantastic, are an all in one solution.  These come with the hub which is needed, but also allows you to link up multiple pairs of xeo’s.

put these in your great room, a pair of xeo 3’s on the back deck and your going to have good tunes throughout the home