Cumulative Effects of Cables?

If one is useing a specific interconnect cable between a cd player and a preamp and that cable has a certain "sweetness" - then when you add another identical interconnect between the preamp and the power amp, does the new interconnect add more "sweetness" or is the sonic effect limited to the sound the cable produces on its own? Can anyone comment on this subject?

Showing 1 response by redkiwi

There are some that disagree on this point, and believe that using interconnects is like adding spice to a dish ie. that it is OK to balance a "yin" cable with a "yang" cable elsewhere in the system. Others believe an interconnect cable should be optimised for the particular interface it is going to be used in and that this may lead to a different interconnect between CD and preamp, than preamp and power amp. But to my ears the result is oddly unnatural compared with using the same interconnect cable throughout. Perhaps the brain gets more confused and has to work harder. So far it may seem I am not answering your question directly, but in reality your choices are between mixing and matching interconnects, or going with one manufacturer. If you use two "yin" cables then of course the sound will be more "yin" than if you use one "yin" and one "yang" cable. But in my opinion, there is not a cumulative effect, ie. that more of one interconnect cable means you get to hear the sound of that cable more clearly, not that you end up getting too much of that sound. This opinion is based on experience, but it is possible that a cable with significant capacitance will roll-off the high frequencies more when you use more of that cable - but I have not experienced that with the interconnects I have used.