Cryo'ed LP's

I'm getting ready to cryo a boat load of gear and was thinking about getting some of my best vinyl done. Anyone done this? If so what were your results?

If you have not done this to your LP's I'd rather not hear how lame this idea sounds... I'm sure I will anyway.

Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear Srwooten: I can't argue about your idea to cryo'ed LPs. I only would to know : which the target? what do you want to accomplish with? do you really have a precise target doing that? who told you that you need to begin with your best vinyl? is there any risk or trade-oofs?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Srwooten: ++++ " I'd like to extend the life of my vinyl ... " ++++++

who told you that that could help and that you Lp's goes " for ever "?, even if a person already do it he can't tell you.

Maybe is more unexpensive don't play to often your LP's: this IMHO and the take care on cartridge stylus cleaning and LP cleaning and how you " stock " the LP's and how your care handling it is what could give you extended life.
The other subject that could help for your target is to paste your valuable LP's on a hard disk and heard these copies instead the LP's.

Anyway, your LP's and money: your call, good luck.

Regards and enjoy the music,