Crutchfield's Speaker Compare

Hey everyone, for those in the market for new speakers, Crutchfield now has something called "Speaker compare", in which you can select up to 4 speakers and make sound comparisons online using your computer and a pair of headphones. Although not all the speakers models are available for audition at the moment, a lot are, and I think it’s a great alternative for those (like me) who cannot audition speakers in person. You can compare several songs at the same volume or at the same wattage. I am not associated with Crutchfield at all. I think it’s a great tool and a good start!
Cheers y’all!
I love it when their speakers sound better than my speakers, on my speakers!
I’m just throwing this out there. Even if it’s just virtual comparisons,as another poster said, doesn’t this comparison give the customer some expectation bias? Will the customer that uses this comparison tool,already “know” they like the speakers,and be less likely to return them? Sounds like a good business move for Crutchfield. 
@ rocray. I think you are right. They lose money when people audition speakers at home and return them...and the cycle continues. Some people take advantage of that and overdo it. If costumers use this tool before buying, they may reduce the number of returns, I guess. Good move indeed!
I listened on a pair of Sennheiser headphones. As I suspected in advance, all speakers tested sounded a lot like Sennheiser headphones.