Crutchfield's Speaker Compare

Hey everyone, for those in the market for new speakers, Crutchfield now has something called "Speaker compare", in which you can select up to 4 speakers and make sound comparisons online using your computer and a pair of headphones. Although not all the speakers models are available for audition at the moment, a lot are, and I think it’s a great alternative for those (like me) who cannot audition speakers in person. You can compare several songs at the same volume or at the same wattage. I am not associated with Crutchfield at all. I think it’s a great tool and a good start!
Cheers y’all!

Showing 1 response by rjp123

I really like this Crutchfield speaker compare option. It is especially useful since they give you the option of normalizing the playback by either input power or output volume level. This is great! With this set to equal output level all speakers in the compare group play at the same volume. This allows you to compare high and low efficiency speakers at the same time as if the volume were adjusted between each. That’s difficult to do Seamlessly in a real setup. I also noticed that they have a large dropdown list of headphones to choose from. I assume they have a model for each that they to adjust the equalization so that each sounds neutral. It’s not going to tell you exactly how the speakers sound of course, but it at least gives you a rough idea of at least how they sound relative to one another. Very innovative Crutchfield!