crossover mod

I would appreciate any suggestions from anyone who has built, bought or used an electronic crossover as a substitute for the passive one in old Tannoy concentric speakers(Ardens-HPD 385-8ohm)
I have the amplification-a Cary cad 300 sei for the tweeters, and a pair of Red Dreagons for the woofers.
I have heard the Aurum speakers that use 300B tubes and solid state and was wondering if I could do something similar with what I have.
Thank you all.
Google Hilberink's Tannoy website, there's lots of info on crossovers, both passive and active.

Good luck,
IMHO the Xover freq is too high to biamp, but try it see if you like it, dont go for an active Xover try a passive line level Xover (PLLXO) much simpler and cheaper if you want to try.