Critical listening and altered states

Ok, this is not a question about relaxing, but about listening to evaluate how the system (or a piece of gear is sounding).

What, in your experience, are the pluses and minuses of altering your state of mind for listening? This can include anything you've used to affect your everyday state of mind, from coffee, beer, scotch, tobacco, to much stronger — and psychoactive, dissociative — additives.

What do you gain by altering your consciousness in terms of what you notice, attend to, linger on, etc?
What causes more details to emerge?
What allows you to stick with a thread or, alternately, make new connections?

Or perhaps you like to keep all those things *out* of your listening; if that's you, please say a bit about why.


Showing 5 responses by pauly

There is no benefit in chemical enhancement. You may be led to believe you perceive things better, but you don’t.

Your mind needs to be in an empty state, or "Wuji" ("the ultimate of nothingness") in order for the sound to communicate to you most effectively.

I find THC to give a hyper sharp focus. It can also turn on the the illuminated, 3 dimensional inner landscape of visuals, sound, emotions and an ineffable blend of them all, that I would bet many a person doesn't even suspect is there to be experienced. (won't even go into what other substances have to offer) Show me a person with a fearful, negative attitude toward the use of mind altering substances and the exploration they make possible, and I will show you someone who is most likely locked into the consensual dream state of life as the character they learned to be. There is nothing beyond these confines for them. Bless their hearts.

Let me guess, you were high when you wrote this?

I rest my case.

You’re one of the “know-it-all’s” on the forum who loves telling others they are “hearing things” or wasting their money when you’re too ignorant to understand something … and now we learn you’re a pothead?

"Drugs, gamblin’, sex, traveling, anything that is a problem in someone else’s life, is a problem in everyone’s life.. EXCEPT the person in denial.."

All that weed is clouding your sense of reality old boy.