Creativity on artists I dislike

I hope you recognize this list:

Cock Jocker;

Pop Singer (Guess who dat? :))

Christina Uglyera 

Diana Krill

Pelvis Resly

Pee Street Band

Share if you have any of yours in mind!


Showing 1 response by mahler123

Come on people, let’s lighten up.  Some posters that I otherwise really respect here

seem a bit to serious here.  The Al Yankadick had me rofl.  After years of hearing one of my sons play his videos- and hey, the ones on Michael Jackson’s Bad and Gangster Paradise were hilarious until I heard them for the 50th time- I suspect that Weird Al might have chuckled at the pun here.

  So I listen to Classical and could suggest a bunch but suspect it would be lost on most people here.  I will refer you to P.D.Q. Bach instead and his patron , Archduke von Trio.

  There is a conductor named Franz-Welser Most.  He was appointed to the London Philharmonic when he was a lad of 27 where the London Critics nicknamed him “Franz Worse Than Most”, which he couldn’t shake and left London soon afterwards.  Later he was in Cleveland, got a negative review from the Arts Critic of the Plain Dealer, and successfully agitated to have said critic fired.