Creativity on artists I dislike

I hope you recognize this list:

Cock Jocker;

Pop Singer (Guess who dat? :))

Christina Uglyera 

Diana Krill

Pelvis Resly

Pee Street Band

Share if you have any of yours in mind!


Showing 18 responses by immatthewj

Hootie And The Blow Jobs

EmmyGoo Harris

Sad Company

Punk Floyd

The Galled Man Brothers

The Marshall [fill in blank] Band

Patricia Barber Shop

Suzanne’s [Chevy] Vega

The Moody Booze

Blob Seger

Eric Clap Hands

Alice Pooper

Downs Syndrome Station




Bled Zeppelin?

Paula Abdullah

Eddie Mooney

The Grateful Undead

Heart (attack)

Three Frog Night

Johnny Crash

Gorgon Lightfoot

Paul Slime On

Jethro Dull

Mott the Poople

Spencer Davis Poop

The Poo

Who can forget REM’s Automatic For The Poople? (Although it does not specifically fit OP’s topic.)

I’m sure the moderators will soon wipe it clean.

The Poot Shop Boys

You are out of control.

But still, who can forget Poot Sounds by The Beach BUMs.

Ah, The Buttles . . . how about A Hard Days Shite?

For some reason that makes me think of Witches Poo, but I cannot remember what the name of the orchestra was.

But back on topic: Michelle (Is) Blocked


Or The Buttles Long and Winding Load!

And of course  The Shite Album. . . .

Now you are way out of control.  I should not be laughing at those.  There may be something wrong with me.

Elton (went to the) John had some pretty good songs on his Yellow [shite a Brick] Load album.  

. . . I always thought that the best thing about 'Eddie And The Cruisers' was the sound track that John Cafferty And The Beaver Brown Trout Band did.  

I know that Rubber Toilet Bowl by The Buttles is stretching it a bit. Butt, although a tad off of the current theme, I always thought that The Tragical History Tour was noteworthy (which I honestly cannot take credit for, but for the life of me, although it amused me, I cannot remember the original source)..

Shane MacGowan And The Poops.

Off topic again, but I used to enjoy that song Lobo did about Me And You And A Dog Named Poo.  

I am afraid that one is above of my pay grade.

But somewhere I am pretty sure that I have the first CD that Pootie And The Brown Fish put out.

I was actually going to switch gears and listen to some Iris Demented, but you got me into the mood for The Buttles, so I put on Let It Pee instead.

But I have not dismissed the idea of listening to a female vocalist, so I will listen to Dolly Fartin’ next . . . or EmmyPoo Harris.

Beatles trivia:

There’s actually a Beatles song that has the word ’poop’ in it.

Which song, and no cheating by looking it up.

Well, I will not technically cheat. What I will do is pull up a list of all Buttles songs and see if any of them ring a bell for me.

I Don’t want To Spoil The Potty?

A Shot Of Rhythm And Poo?

Old Brown Poo?

All I’ve Got To Poo?

She Came In Through The Bathroom Window? (this was an actual serious guess)

Baby It’s Poo?

While My Gut Gently Seeps?

Yer Poos?

Poo Can’t Do That?

Dear Poodence?

Not Poo Jay Way or Poo Moon?

There’s no way it could be All Things Must Pass?

Okay, sorry about those. A couple more actual serious guesses: Rocky Raccoon or Piggies?