Creativity on artists I dislike

I hope you recognize this list:

Cock Jocker;

Pop Singer (Guess who dat? :))

Christina Uglyera 

Diana Krill

Pelvis Resly

Pee Street Band

Share if you have any of yours in mind!


Showing 5 responses by asvjerry

Thanx, y’all... @tony1954,

"’s everything I didn’t wish to know..."


Turn it up LOUD, Captain....

We’ve crossed so many lines and done a few in transit that it’s like the wave cone about a supersonic jet, and right/wrong/nil should be packed with your ’chute.. 😎

Decades downlife, I tried to literally talk a stranger out of his shirt...which read:

until the thrill of Speed
outweighs the Fear
of Death’s all in the G’s ;)) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

@mahler123 Caught PDQBach live back in Houston....better, and one doesn’t have to flip the LP....

...and Yes, I ’get’ the puns and references....

If one really can't stand to have their classical icons having their nose tweaked, the shoelaces tied together, or underwear (if they wore such back then...😏 ) jerked up...

They garner my pity and a wide space on the highways of this life.

But...having you reference PdQs' PhD in post 'cuts you more slack' imho.... ;)

That he/they never did "Waltz for 3 People" or the "Hawaiian Hallucination Song" is still a disappointment....but there you go.... 

"....been through the dessert on a course with no claim

it smelt gouda to let it out with no flame....

A Monastery Blast of Raisins...

Eclectic Prudes

Echo'd by the Funny Mend

The Fart of Nodes

Creep Hick

Martial Pucker'd Bland

In Diego Grilles

Bruise Fear

Dawn Oven

Dirty Sections Overt Scars

Eyelet Tied Wit Slum Smelt Sum Mien Trends (Duh Bagels)

Malice Pooper

Tend Fears Pastor


" long, should dis grow on...?

...Ben, twerkin' in a cold mind, goin' 'round ground round..."