Cowboy Junkies "Open" opinions

I just got the new album today and I'm not very enthusiastic. The first five cuts are what I'd describe as acid grunge, not to my liking. Track six is good but seems out of context with the rest of the album, but from at least here on it is more enjoyable. I like track nine the best. I listened twice through using tube electronics and once with solid state, much better with tubes. My current preference for seven albums I have are #1 "Lay It Down", #2 "Black Eyed Man", #3 " The Trinity Session", #4 "Whites off the Earth Now", #5 "MIles from our Home", #6 "Cresent Moon", #7 the latest "Open". Margo has such a great voice that I don't know why they don't display better.

Showing 4 responses by dekay

My copy just showed up yesterday and I ordered later on, so the others should be showing up shortly. Now having listened to the CD 6 times, I like it. It is just a departure from the open mike live sound of their other albums and does not favor the vocals. They are still good tunes just not good recordings.
Newintown: I orderd the majority of my CJ CD's from Maple Music. The prices are in Canadian dollars, so the US equivalent is under $10 per CD.
I like the new CD on a whole, but do not care for the voice mix and wish that they would have taken the time and energy for "open air" recording as has been done in the past. Hopefully this was just an experiment and will not set a standard for the future. The engineering work sounds like a bad Jefferson Airplane album to me.
Snook: Yes, the mike used on the first cut is obviously not super directional, but the recording really does not bother me at all as this is what I recall most live music sounding like. I also like the instruments and the vocals to blend a bit in this manner. If you are game for another CJ title maybe try "The Caution Horses" next. I have a promo CD of The Caution Horses tour (9 songs recorded live, "Europe 1990" which was produced in Italy) that is made up of horrible recordings, but I still listen to it often as many of the songs are my favorites.