CounterPoint SA -5.1 Tubes...

good day,

i just hooked up a CounterPoint SA-5.1 preamp and the 5651 tube does not stay evenly lit, but rather 'pulses' every 3-4 seconds.

i have no experience with the pre-amp, so am wondering if this is normal, or should i replace the tube?

many thanks,
thanks, Jafox... sounds like the 5651 tube is ok. thanks for checking your gear.

I see the same kind of result in the Counterpoint SA-2 and Aria WV preamp that use the 5651. The 5651 resembles a vacuum tube and yet it really is not. It is simply a voltage reference filled with gas and acts more like a zener diode than a vacuum tube. So if this visually observed behavior of the 5651 is different than the other "tubes", don't worry about it.