Counterpoint Preamp Upgrade Sonic Improvements

I am looking into upgrading a Counterpoint SA-5000 and was looking to see who has experienced a preamp upgrade from Mile Elliott (or other) and what the sonic differences were. Please explain what upgrades you had performed and the sonic differences you are hearing significant or slight. Would you do the upgrade again or buy a different preamp? I am especially interested in knowing if you had also had any issues with your Counterpoint preamp such as noise, hum or failures. I only use the preamp as a line stage and not for TT playback.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
The SA-5000 has one of the best phono stage out there for a full function preamp. It has the buffer stage which made it sound more dynamic for the low output MCs.
I didn't go with Mike Elliott mod ( I did my own) but a friend of my did.
Compare the two:
Mike Elliott version is quiet and better seperation ( even more 3-D ) than the original version.
My version is more liquid and full and less analytical than Mike's upgrade.
However, being different sonic character, I would think either one has the character of it is own.
Both are great sweet sound. Even the original stock has good sonic character.
In any case, the 3 units me and my friends had NEVER had any issues. They are one of the quietest preamp out there.

If you plan any upgrade, please replace the volume control. The old one might make noise when you adjust the volume.

Mike will be happy to answer your questions.

You can also check audioreview from other folks who had the upgrade from Mike.

It is a keeper for me.

After tryout over 20 different brand/type of 6DJ8/6922 family, I use only NOS tubes. Siemens 7308 for the phono and Amperex D-getter 6DJ8 ( earlier type ) for the line stage. Pinch Waisted 6DJ8 Amperex are the best line stage tube but I only have a NOS pair and you can't get them any more even if you're looking to pay over $100 per tube.
I can only address part of your question. I had an SA 5.1 preamp which I seriously considered having upgraded by Michael Elliot. I went as far as getting an RA #.

The reason I was going to send it in was it had developed a serious noise problem. Rather than having it repaired I sold it to another person (yes I did tell them about the noise) for a lot less than it was worth.

At that point I was very frustrated with tubes and replaced the SA 5.1 with a solid state preamp.

...and dats da name a dat tune.
I have a SA-5.1 and I had it upgraded with all the available upgrades. It has made a HUGE difference. Previous pre-amps I have owned include a Manley 300-B and a Gryphon linestage. It may have been a synergy issue with these pre-amps, but neither sounded as "real" as with the upgraded SA-5.1. The upgrades are quite pricey but well worth it. They provide a much better 3-D presentation. Both the linestage and the phono stage are quiet!!! Good luck!
The side mounted tube base is very delicate on the earlier counterpoint models.

IMHO, The SA5000 is the peak of the counterpoint history. It might be even better than the SA-11 cost no object model. A lot of more thoughts were implemented in the SA5000 because of the "heat" issue in the SA-11
Had the 1000 basic upgrade about 2 yrs ago.Also had a stock 3000 for 10 yrs.Both sound very good,but I cannot compare because of time between listening years.Overall I am very happy with all his stuff over the years,also had a sa 12 and sa20 amp that were good.Sorry for the vagueness,my mind wanders alot,good luck,Bob