Counterpoint NPS 400 w/ Electrostats

Hi: Just wondering if anyone has had experience running electrostats such as Innersounds or ribbons such as Magnepans with Counterpoint NPS Series amplifiers. I know Michael Elliott recommends in his manuals that these amplifiers should not be used with very low impedance loads, however his NPS 400 is rated at 400 watts into 4 ohms. Thank you.
Years ago, when I was testing amps with Martin Logan SL3s, I tried a number of amplifiers, and the Counterpoint NPMs (not NPS400) were among the best out there - unfortunately for me at the time, they had just been sold to someone else. I think they are wonderful amps (but have never tried the NPS400) They gave more 'depth' than the Innersound amp (which was otherwise great), and in the end, I settled for big VTL MB-450 Signature amps, which CAN drive an impedance as low as 1ohm.
One of my favorite audio values out there is the NPS400. It so severely embarrassed the ARC CL150s I had been using before. The NPS400 controlled Maggie 3.3 and 3.5 that I owned and loved for many years. The Wolcott mono amps brought on a little more bloom but the NPS400 was a great amp here. When I changed to SoundLab A1 speakers, the NPS400 continued to greatly impress me. Never was the sound strained that often goes with an amp running at its limit. I now run with the CAT JL-3 which is in a whole different league of price/performance, but when I had to return to the NPS400 when I needed new tubes for the CAT, I realized what a keeper this amp is.
I own the modified SA-220 which I think the upgrade is considered to be the NP-220. It uses (2) 6SN7 tubes in the amp versus the old (4) 6DJ8 tubes. Rated at 220 wpcs and I think 380 into 4 ohms. I lent the amp to a friend at an audio rave and he told me that the amp drove a pair of Maggies very well. It was the best of the amps that they tried then. Not sure what other amps where there.

So I would think that the NPS-400s would do an equal or better job at powering up the Maggies.