Counsel on adding dedicated lines

I'm moving and am going to add dedicated lines for my listening room. Looking for any and all expert advice here. Is there a specific type of electrician I should look for? Type of in-wall cabling to ask for? Groudning? Etc....Thanks for any help.
"If you have a main panel with glass fuses then it's time to update the service."

I think this is a gross generalization at best, and at worst, advice that may end in degraded, as opposed to improved sound. Provided the size of the service is adequate (and this has nothing to do with whether the panel uses fuses or breakers), I'd much rather have fuses than breakers from both a sonic and safety perspective. That is not to say that dedicated lines are not a good idea, which of course they are.
"Look at main panel replacement if you see glass fuses."

Why? If you have a main panel with glass fuses then it's time to update the service. When I did so I opted for a large industrial panel with plenty of room for expansion.

This has made it very easy for DIY dedicated lines. I have Levinson 33's which are fairly power-happy. In total, there are 12 pair of dedicated outlets in my listening room.


Paul :-)
"Look at main panel replacement if you see glass fuses."

Exactly why would one do this?
Cincy Bob
Thanks for those extremely useful links. I've done the search before and never found those particular threads.
Look for an electrician that'll do what you tell him. Use 10GA wire. Look at main panel replacement if you see glass fuses.

Have the electrician install new ground rod(s) with copper clamps.


Paul :-)