Could you name a list of best redbook transport ?

To be captured 2nd hand or new in the 1000-1500 USD range to mate with a top notch DAC.
Having decided to go for separates need to replace and bettering my Musical Fidelity CDPRE transport section (I am using it as a transport only currently)

Wonder which Theta transport will not be too old to be an excellent performer as a transport.
Pls name a few, not too difficult to find, especially as i live in Europe.
If you search the discussion posts, you will find a lot of participants who would consider the CEC TL2 or TL2X to be on the shortlist of candidates in your budget range.
Vecteur makes great transports and the L-4 and 4.1 fcdp's function very well as transports.
Theta Data Basic II is an incredible transport for the money.
You can find it for $600-$700.
God luck!
Turbomodded Sony DVP-S7700. Very low jitter and perfect impedance match. Beats everything else I have tried at trade shows.
I am very biased and I am selling a G & D Transforms transport on the site - so please take what I have to say with a grain of salt. I have heard the Vecteur in my system, however, and I owned the Theta Data Basic II for a while. I also know someone very well who heard the CECs compared to the G&D. My experience (and his) was that the G&D was far superior to the others.