Could this be a Major Breakthough ?

New chip provides high-end sound even with low-end speakers. Maybe this chip will be in home stereo gear soon.

Showing 4 responses by sherod

The new 3D power conditioner also has a wood version. Who knows if it's a "Major break-through". They don't say what it has in it, only what it doesn't have in it. Anyone out there try one yet?

"We have heard from you in the past on various subjects.Very amusing for the most part.Sort of like a demented uncle/grandfather occasionally coming out of his coma.Keep up the good work,we're all in this together,Bob"

LOL, Bob. Very funny.

Yes, Bob. I fondly remember his "mad scientist" experiments. One of my favortes was when he cut the cabinet out around his DCM speakers and then spread concrete on the drivers. Yikes! A Franken-speaker! It's alive!