Could these be your next cable loom??...and price be damned.

On the Stereophile web page, there is a report of the Estelon room at Axpona, along with the $330k cables from Crystal Cables, called the Art series. One poster states that Gabi ( one of the Crystal Cable owners) knows what she is doing when it comes to pricing strategy.

I thought this thread could piggy back my question on the Speaker forum and ask a similar question here, will sales accrue for her $330K cables, or is it possible that she over stepped...and no sales will actually occur? If Gabi knows her market ( and who are we to say she does not), i question how she has this that she does NOT price her new Crystal Cable Art cables at say $3 Million and instead hits the sweet spot at $330k??? Anyone?


Showing 2 responses by nonoise

@daveyf Outfits like Crystal Cable have been in the business long enough to know what their clients want and can afford. They also know the nature of this hobby down to what percentage of their client base can afford to go higher. Most likely, they'd be somewhat amused by the regular folk who frequents this site and expound upon it. 

All the best,


New on the scene is Kinki Studio's line of cables which look a lot like Crystal Cables cables. They are very reasonable and nowhere near the outrageous prices that Crystal is asking for. Here's a link to line. They're too new to be seen on their website so the preview from 6moons has to do for now.

Here's one shot of their cable line up.

All the best,