Could someone explain the Pass Aleph 3??

Hi all. I'm learning and learning, but there's still something I just don't get. How can an Aleph 3, with only 30wpc, power the mains in a home theater system? What will an explosion sound like in the Matrix (yes, I'll admit, I like it loud, I like to 'feel' those explosions!) with only 30wpc? I plan on having a separate 3ch amp for the center and rears. Can I buy the Aleph 3 and use it for music (sometimes loud dance music, with big bass peaks) and for movies and still get good effects? For about $1100-$1200, seems like the best amp for the $$ in my range, but am nervous about the very low power. Someone please educate me!

Showing 1 response by donjf

Hi, I agree with Garfish, the McCormack amp will work great and will be great with music. I own a McCormack DNA-2 and love this amp. The McCormack have great bass defination and as close to tube sound as you can get with solid state.