Costliest Brainfart


I had one today.

While reorganizing my audio rack, with my TT still pretty on top, I decided I just had to level it just right.  And to make this happen, I decided I just had to place a block of wood under the spikes.  And since the block was fairly thick I just had to keep lifting the front higher and higher.  And higher.  

The table slid right off the back and came crashing down onto the floor.  Moerch UP4 arm, bent.  Karat 17d3 stylus, cocked to the side.  The table itself might be salvageable, but I was so disgusted with myself I didn’t bother looking.

A 2K+ brain fart.

Who needs vinyl anyway!

Please list your mishaps if for no other reason than to make me feel a bit better.  😉


Showing 1 response by vitussl101

Pulled an NYAL Minuet in A preamp out of storage where it was for over a decade and installed it in my system.  I remembered that it had some issue with one of its channels.  It was a Saturday morning and I turned it and the system and went to the kitchen to make coffee.  This preamp has a 45 second turn on delay for the circuit to settle in and it can output something like 30 volts(it could run a mile of interconnect cable).  I thought that I turned the balance control all the way to the right channel but in fact, turned the volume control all the way to the right (UP!) waiting for NPR radio to come on, and boy did it come on.  I nearly pi##ed myself moving as quick as I could to turn it down, but alas, it took out both mid/bass drivers in my speakers that have not been manufactured for a while.  It wasn't until later, after purchasing new speakers that I found out about  Bill LeGall and Millersound who was able to rewind the voicecoils and whatever else needed to be done.

   So if you do a "Stupid" as I did and need the impossible done, at least with speaker drivers, this(Millersound) is "The Place" to have them made right again.


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