Cost effective power cables recommendations, low and high power

I recently watched a number of informative videos about AC cables for our systems. One by the Dutchman Hans Beekhuysen (sp?) was really very good and explained why they matter, even with so many miles of cheapo cable bringing power into our homes, it seems to be all about reducing and rejecting stray interference from a lot of juice passing through the cables to our componenets, and the effect this might have on nearby interconnects and so on.

So I thought I would ask for recommendations from users here on what power cables you use for amplifiers (higher power consumption) and other components like digital stuff or preamps and so on, what are you happy with and that seems to make a difference big or small.

I am not about to spend thousands (or even many hundreds) for power cables, so hopefully something in what we mere mortals who work hard to earn our money can typically afford. Well shielded, properly twisted and insulated cable that does the job well, without typical marketing bull or obscene prices and markups please!


Showing 3 responses by jjss49


as you have seen through the replies there are many options out there

from my experience i think you should try some expensive cables on a returnable basis along with cheaper ones, as much of the discovery in this hobby is best done on a first-hand basis (as opposed to via hearsay) but at the end of day, i would use well made well respected cables from established makers that are collectively no more than what you would reasonably spend to upgrade a system component

for me, that means i stick to power cables no more $400-500 per cable at the high end, and more ideally in the $100-250 level... i have, and have tried more expensive ones, they are hit and miss and differences in sound are subtle at best over well made ’economy cables’ by the trusted cable makers

as for direct from china blatant copycat cables via alibaba or ebay ('audiocrast' he he), you decide if you want to fish in that ocean, some bargains may well be had but with my background and experience having worked there for many years, i just don’t trust that avenue as i believe that many of those sellers simply have no scruples, blatantly and bald-facedly lie about what the product is and what it contains -- i at least want to have some faith that what i have in my hand is what they tell me it is... but that is just me...

and, finally, as you have already pointed out, the physical ergonomic characteristics of the cables used on certain components is a very important consideration

i would add this video as well worth a watch... in general, and as it pertains to the op's query