Cost-effective integrated

Hi All-  trading on your wisdom and knowledge (and thanks for sharing!)- my Marantz PM6004 integrated amp began blowing fuses recently, so it's time to move on.  Looking for primarily analogue input, though digital might be useful at some point, and I'd like a remote.  New or used, would like to stay on the low side of $1000. 45w at 8 ohms is enough grunt - looking for fidelity over power.  Thoughts?  Thanks in advance for your wise counsel!


Showing 1 response by paradisecom

For new, the Parasound NewClassic 200 is pretty nice and ticks most boxes that anyone could have.

For used, there's a Classe CAP-101 here on Agon for sale.  Those are pretty nice, as well, with minimal features.

NAD and Cambridge Audio also have some nice offerings around $1000 that seem to get great reviews.