Correlation: Money and Good Sound

Why do many equate throwing money around with the assumption that it will result in vastly improved sound? I realize this is relative...for example...many who have not heard the GMA Europas will not even consider them because of their affordability(under 1k)...this is just one example...are there any others where a reasonably priced product(1k or under) competes or surpasses those 2 to 3 times the price? I am sure there are numerous cables...but cables are vastly overpriced already...also...the next speakers up in the GMA line are roughly 5k and 7k respectively...just something to think seems there are many who judge a product on its worth vs. actual performance...also...I will probably get flamed for this...but I do feel NAD intergrated amps compete very favorably with others at 3 three times the price...

Showing 1 response by tobias

Wow... so, I have a Sherwood S-7300 I think I'm gonna post here at auction, after reading this.

Money's not enough. You also need knowledge. There are units with comparable sound and widely different prices, and the reverse exists too--widely different sound with similar price tags.

If you've never heard what you can get for little money, you think you have to pay a lot. Getting to hear it all is difficult, though, and potentially somewhat expensive. It helps to have friends with experience. Longtime hobbyists, or people in the business. And it's surprising what good advice you can get from a manufacturer, if you write and ask what goes well with their gear.

Even used equipment can be a poor buy. I can name five or six pieces that are utter bargains, but what do I know about all the rest?