Correct way to attach speaker wires... Wait, what!!!

Okay this is going to sound ridiculous but I've always wondered if I'm connecting the wires in the proper way to the binding posts. I just picked up a Red Dragon S500 power amp and I figured I finally should ask the question. It has the screw down type of posts. Here is a link to the pic on their website. The wires I have are Mapleshade Clearview Golden Helix which terminate in a stiff single 3/4" wire. Any help for a dumb question would be greatly appreciated!

Showing 6 responses by grannyring

All connectors degrade sound. All, regardless of cost. Bare wire is best. Do the comparisons and it is obvious. So, go with bare wire.

1) just clean every so often and no oxidatiobpn issues.
2) or just thin the stripped area - good option

You can buy some very good sounding tinned speaker wire from Duelund. Their 16 gauge stranded in cotton wire.  Makes great speaker cable and costs $10 meter.  It is tinned already.  You can buy it from Parts Connextion if interested. 
Good point. I’ve been able to tin individual wire runs, stranded or solid core, up to 14 gauge no problem. If you start to get 12 gauge and thicker well yeah not easy to tin.
However, once you strip a speaker cable, outer jacket and insulation, I don’t know of any using gauges any thicker than 10 gauge? Perhaps they’re out there I’m just not aware of them.

I don’t use binding posts, at least I don’t use them in a traditional manner. I just use them for clamping together the runs of the speaker cable and the crossover leads from the speaker. I haven’t had any problem clamping together two 10 gauge wires with a 12 gauge wire with this process.

You see I really do not believe in connectors as I believe they all degrade sound. I do the same thing on the amp end and bypass the binding post simply using them as a clamp for the output wires of the amplifier to the speaker wire.

In the past I have built my own nylon binding posts able to clamp together very large gauges of wire and cabling.

I realize not many people are going to go to all this effort. I’m kind of nuts that way.
Boxer12,   Very nice indeed. I bet that sounds so darn real and open. Very nice! 
Kimber is also great value wire and bare hookup is very smart.  What do you use for cleaner? 
No connector sounds are good as bare wire. They all degrade sound based on my extensive testing and mods over the years. Bare wire also holds more sercurely when done right. I find it very simple to do and it just sounds better. Bypass those binding posts folks! You will not believe the improved realism.