Cornwall IV speaker placement guidance

I have a new set of Cornwall IVs. The room is 20' by 30' and the speakers are on the 20' wall due to other room layout constraints I'm not able to place them on the 30' wall. I know these are designed to be able to sit much closer to the corner and wall than other rear ported speakers, and I see lots of information online showing them very close (within 6 inches) to front wall and sidewall, but I also see opinions stating they sound better if pulled out 2-4'. I'm about 100 hours in, and have had them where they are now (photos added to my profile) and pulled out from wall. They sound great anywhere, but I do notice more low end the closer to the wall. Any feedback on these specific speakers in terms of proper placement is appreciated! 


Showing 2 responses by mrdecibel

BTW....nice room and gear. I am not seeing your listening chair, but based on what I am seeing, you have way too much toe in. Is it possible to grab a computer chair and sit right at the toe in axis they are at now. This will simplify the toe in experience by adjusting yourself to them, and your ears will be farther away from the side walls and the rear wall.

The Cornwall IV is a front ported speaker ( CWs always has been, as far as I know ), designed to have greater versatility with room set up, corner or against a wall ( not necessarily out in the open back then, although it works ). The owners I speak to all like them close ( closer ) to the rear wall, and a few even in / near corners. I never liked them in corners. The Klipschorn is another story. I only suggest that the wall behind the CWs have some acoustic deadening, to eliminate 1st reflections ( this is completely different topic altogether about room acoustics ). Watch a YT video by " The Boston Audiophile " on damping the horns of the CWs, as I had suggested to him. Enjoy !