Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.

Showing 7 responses by tweak1

ozzy To add to Lak's comments. We beta testers went through a lot testing Deep Core versions 1-2.
The first one I had caught fire, the 2nd one blew SR Blue fuses etc, and I know droleg's damaged his other equipment.
I know we can never get full compensation for the lost time of enjoying our systems, but at least, were you quickly and properly compensated?
I started with the 300 just for my pre and Oppo 105. It blew away my PS Audio Premier Power Plant. I then upgraded to the 1200 and uggedd 4 amps + pre and Oppo, ut that was a touch too much,  so I got the 1800 and lived happily ever after
amg56, et al

I know this situation is extremely frustrating. However, 

If you've ever been involved in the sale/purchase of a business, you would know it takes time for both parties to go through EVERYTHING (Due Diligence) and both parties are typically bound by Confidentiality. I can't answer whether that includes not taking your calls, but everyone knows Mark has serious health issues, which stress is known to add to

As a thought, since you have waited this long, why not give it a couple weeks before seeking legal action

Having owned Furman, PS Audio Premier Power Plant and 3 CTPs, I know how viable the product is. Someone is/will take advantage of buying the company, and all that we've gone through will be a distant bad dream
everybody who has been waiting for product or money, it's easy for me to say, but take a breath. It will be a longer breath than you ever expected to take, but I am confident it will will all work out in the end. Bitching at this point is pointless
It seems Mark has gone DARK. Do you hve contact name/number for whom in Colorado you are communicating with?