Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.

Showing 12 responses by amg56

@luvrockin CPT has been acquired by Modwright (Dan Wright) who, it is hoped, will develop the CPT products to their full potential.

All, My communications from both respective parties is that CPT needs to sort out its current orders/refunds/debts. It then may be a possibility that  ModWright may assume CPT.

I stress, that all current issues with CPT need to be clarified. As far as products are concerned, the Super Stroke and EQUI=CORE will be available, but not while Deep Core is going through proofing. DC is going to be a viable product and it's design will give all competitors a good run. As usual, there will be a wait until full production is available. A.

From what I have read, the EQUI=CORE products would appear to be good, and I know Mark was working on a 240Vac version for me and others on this voltage. Mark was also supposed to be modifying a Deep Core to do the same. Obviously there is a bit of work to do to make the product work firstly in the local market.

Thanks to Dan for keeping the information flowing. I hope Mark will do the same.

All, I received an email and note from Core Power's Transition Team and Mark respectively a few days ago. The implication was that the 1800's (for 220v/240v) would be shipping via DHL. The Deep Core had still some work to go before it shipped. I could not discern whether this was limited to the 220v/240v versions or not. Nor could I discern whether Mark had a team or a helper or was doing the work himself.

I understood Lynn had been very hands on, but she has been unwell of late, so say a prayer that she is ok soon. I will continue to post any updates as I receive them. A.


From what has, or hos not transpired, it would seem that the notice signed off be Mark and Lynn, posted by Kemper is not all it appears to be.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has been contacted by this mysterious "" email address regarding their order/refund status.

From my perspective, this appears to be a blind post to take the heat away from CPT and Mark himself. I do not believe that there is a new offer/owner, nor do I believe that CPT et al are going to make good on business promises made in the past.

With this in mind, I intend to contact the equivalent of Australia's business complaints ombudsman to see what can be done to seek recompense or justice for what appears to be blatant fraudulent business behaviour by Mark Shifter.

I have repeatedly tried to contact this mysterious interim status group, which I believe now is bogus, emailed Mark as welcomed by Mark himself in his notice, and even tried to phone call him from Australia, all without success.

I would like to hear from anyone who may be able to assist in this matter so that "customers" like myself can seek some sort of representation or justice in this whole fraudulent saga.

Thanks, Adrian

@tweak1 I understand about due diligence having been and engineer in Tyco in the late 1990's when takeovers were rife, and due diligence was the buzz word and we worked like navvies to get it done. (Tyco was then called Take Your Company Over).

But communication was key with all employees and customers regarding the company being assumed and the Tyco business involved. This was done efficiently and professionally (even if the President and CFO of Tyco were jailed for fraud).

The issue is communication. I have a lot of money tied up (Since February 2018) and I would like it back. No other company would be allowed to act this way in Australia. We have comprehensive consumer safeguards to protect against, what is fraudulent behaviour.

if you read ALL my posts on this forum (except the last 3), they have been in support of CPT and Mark, and against some hostile posts). now it is I who has been done unto by someone I believed in.

Do not expect me to be graceful and forgiving of this behaviour.


Hi all concerned, My correspondence with Mark today differs with the post above. I will post only one paragraph within the email so you have a chance to evaluate your positions individually:

" The 1800’s are ready to go - the Deep Cores are in great working order (new units to all specs) but again... they want to control this and take it out of my hands."

The two messages do not quite agree. This misinformation is why I have formally asked for a full refund. My order, made with all information declared on the CPT website, was, and is still not possible.

I will consider the products again in the future, but just now I need the deposit made for my own medical costs.

I wish Mark, Lynn, Kemper and the new owners the very best and hopefully I will be in contact later in the year to appraise the DC and E=Q products, which, again, I believe will be great. Mark, you tried your best but the job was too big for you to do on your own. Get well soon. A.

There is no shame in doing your 110% to see a dream come true. The pity is that if we had known upfront what the Deep Core was, how it was too function, how much it may cost and when it was to be available, more of us may have sat and waited.

In all honesty, I was prepared to wait because this man's dream, engineering skill and future was in the product that was "on sale" 12 months too soon. CPT may have made it if honest communication was on show, and a suggestion of crowd funding could have seen the product to fruition. It's one of the American dreams that got away, for now.

With new backing, funding, QA and organisation, the Equi=Core in all its permutations, and Deep Core will be great products.

I am sorry Mark, I couldn't wait longer. Cheers. A.

Keep waiting and keep the emails going. i don't know who is manning the CPTStatus.outlook mailbox, but I have had no acknowledgement from them. I think it is another red herring....

There is a saying (now): "No news is bad news"

I was promised a refund and an email last Monday. Nothing. This cancer thing is another ruse. I have cancer and I am still alive and doing as much as I can in a day. This should not stop him (or Kemper Holt (KH007) from communicating to everyone being owed a refund. When are we getting our money? I am in communication with a couple of US authorities State and Federal authorities to progress my claim.

@audpulse I too am in communication with the Colorado State authorities expose the business and to see justice done to progress my claim also. Keep in touch hey,...