Copper vs Hybrid differences

Can anyone help to explain the possibile differences that are benefited form a Copper constructed speaker cable and that which would be a Silver/Copper alloy? I'm trying to evaluate the preception differences without listening for like PNF Audio (Copper) and LAT Int. (Silver/Copper alloy).
Does one offer better inner detail and staging over another?

Showing 1 response by s23chang

Raw material choice does not always translate to sonic signature. Here is may take: 80 to 90 percent design and 10 to 15 percent purity of the material.
I personally use all silver cables for my setup and they sound very liquid and full without any harshness.
On the other hand, someone I know use all copper and they sounded harsh and dull and lack of transparency.
I've tried his cables on my 2 different setups and got similar result.