Copper Sleeve over IEC

There has been several threads on AA about putting a 1 1/2" copper union (coupler) over the IEC on the CD Player, Preamp, Amp.

Well I tried it...

Anyone else give it a try?

Showing 45 responses by ozzy

2chnlben, Yeah, I thought so too. Jgiacalo, Glad the simple tweak worked for you.

Too bad I didnt put a fancy label and a blue LED on it.
I could have made millions...
Kenk168, I think they are the same thickness, standard wall.
There is a standard wall, a X-hvy and a XX-heavy wall thickness.
Almost all domestic copper is standard wall.
The thicker walls are used for Industrial use.
Since there has not been any response to this thread thus far, I thought I would add some more information in the hopes of catching some AudioGonners attention.

This really is a very good tweak at a very cheap cost.
It was posted on AA along with a video from "You tube" from Marantz on using the copper union on thier CD player's IEC.

The claim is that the power cables are shielded but the IEC ends are plastic and are not shielded.


Well. I tried the 1 1/2" copper sleeve (called a plumbimg union or coupler) on my CD player and it worked great ! You simply slide the copper fitting over the IEC ,then plug the IEC in and slide the copper union up tight to the players chassis.
The highs and bass became more extended and defined and the soundstage images become more precise.

If one sleeve is great, more should be even greater. right?

Well no, too much copper is not a good thing.

I tried another couple of the 1 1/2" copper sleeves on my Preamp and Amp IEC's with not so good results.
Then I tried some 3/4" sleeves on my XLR's not so good.

So, I stuck with just the copper sleeve over the IEC on the CD player.

What I noticed was with the copper sleeves on the Amp and the interconnects was that the sound became deadened.

Perhaps it has to do more with the type of power cable that was used on my Amp (Synergistic Hologram A) and my interconnects (Synergistic Apex, Presicion Ref) that caused the sound to deaden with the copper sleeves.
Or perhaps just the digital is prone to the ill effects of EMI/RF?grounding, I dont know.

But using the copper 1 1/2" sleeve on the digital IEC is in my opinion the best place for these sleeves.

Hope this helps.
Try this link for the You Tube video
My CD player already has a 3 prong outlet, so I havent tried that suggestion.
Nor have I tried the double reading trick, although that one is easy to do anytime.
Rx8man, Glad you like it. It really works quite good on digital.
Let me know how it works on your Preamp, Amp.
Another update: Add another Copper sleeve to the AC (on the male end) power cord on your CD player.

This sleeve along with the other sleeve over the IEC end of the AC power cord to your CD player really adds dynamics!
Bass is stronger, treble and midrange better defined and smoother and the soundstage becomes more stable.
The best one word to describe this sound is SOLID!

I still have had no luck with the copper sleeves on my Preamp and Amp. With sleeves on this equipment,they sort of suck the life out of the sound. Maybe, because both of these pieces are Pass Labs equipment.Pass may be doing something already inside the equipment that the extra copper sleeves become too much.

But the additional copper Sleeve on the power cord to the CD player is a must!
Chrissain, Why dont you try it for yourself and then you decide?
It will cost less than $5 for one, or under $10 bucks for two.
Try 2 on your power cable to your CD player one on each end.
Rgd. Actually I'm thinking that the copper sleeve at the ends is the only place shielding is important.
If you can eliminate the nasties going into your components they will have less garbage to work with.
Lewinskih01, Personaly, I think most of the improvement is from treating the ends of the digital power cords.

Just for some info, I priced 2" copper I think it was 8 feet long but maybe it was 10.
It cost $88 bucks !!! When your done it will probably bend like Virtual Dynamics cables do...

Perhaps try some copper flashing that they use on roofs.

But hey, give it a go, and let us know how it sounds.
Cyclonicman, I was wondering that too.

Even the big name CD manufactures should be including or have a built in/out copper sleeve.
I know my Cary CD player has a copper base and a copper shroud around the transport, wonder why they they never thought to provide a copper built in/out sleeve.

Perhaps it is because most Audiophiles use there own power cord with the Cary Equipment and the IEC has been a standard item on Audio equipment for years.

So they (Cary Audio and all others) probably did'nt think outside the box. (pun intended)
Rx8man, I understand what you mean, my Synergistic PowerCell has pretty close plug outlet arrangement too.
Just dont try to fit 2 copper sleeves on the same outlet or next to each other, that will never work.
I was really only concerned with my Cary CD player and Tascam CD recorder. I moved those so they were not next to each other and was able to use the sleeve and plug them in.

Chrissain, not sure if I have the nerve to insert glue inside the Synergistic Hologram D powercord. I may try it first on a lesser (in $$$) cord first. Thanks for the tip.

Nasaman, Marantz seems to have an interest with proper shielding,good for them. Heck,just the fact that they released the video on the copper sleeves shows there on the right track.
Funny though that they didnt provide a ground wire to thier $$$ CD Player...
Bombaywalla , Man that is too bad. Perhaps you can try on line with a plumbing supply house?

Try this place
Or try this

At this place you can get all kinds of copper fittings, including reducers to 1 1/4".
Thanks for the info. The largest plugs I have,(and they are pretty large),allow the 1 1/2" copper couplers to go over it. It does'nt fall off either on the IEC or the AC end.

I suppose if you had a real big AC plug with a very thin cable, then you would need something to hold it on. One of the posters suggestions was to use some sticky back foam insulation on the cable before sliding the copper sleeve over.But anyway you get there is good.

Can you post or send a picture of your finished product?
Leatherneck1812, Upper treble glare should not be one of the changes with the copper sleeve.
Just put the copper sleeve over the IEC end only on the CD player, thats where you will notice the most improvment.
Nasaman, Remember I found the biggest effect to be on the power cord IEC on the CD Player.
Kenk168 , Its all about the sound. If it costs $14 but improves the sound even better then go for it.

However, thus far, I don't have any problem with the ordinary (cheap) Copper sleeve not fitting snug to the power cable and it doesnt fall off.

I think the fitting with the neoprene gasket may be overkill.
But, keep us updated.
Nasaman, Strange about the Ayre D1-xe DVD player.

I have put copper sleeves in my Video system too.
Didnt work too so hot on my Denon 5.1 Reciever.
But worked great on my DVD player(Denon 5910) and on my DVD Recorder. The DVD recorder really has now a better picture.
I also put one on the AC end of my Sony LCD. Each one added improves more.
I think these sleeves work great on almost all digital.
Rx8man, Wow , that is great!
I wonder how long it will take Cable Manufactures to start offering exotic versions for big $$$.

Visited a fellow Audiogonner the other day and I brought along one of the 1 1/2" copper couplers.
He had a very nice sounding system that cost lots of money.
However, he uses just the standard power cords and interconnects.
He refused to even try the copper fitting, because he believed it would not do anything.
Nasaman, Amen to that.

I have found that many items once thought to be just Hi-End Tweaky stuff (such as power cords, interconnects, speaker cable, isloation devices, dedicated circuits, and power conditioners ) do something, even if it is just a 1-30% improvement.
It comes down to how much is that improvement worth in performance compared to the cost of the item.

That why I think the copper sleeve is such a great thing. Improvement with little financial outlay.
Actually, I think they call it a terminator. I have been calling it a shorting plug, sorry.
Rhyno, Thanks for the link. By the way, I think it costs $1100.
I also think it doesnt cover the IEC enough.
But that will be changed in the Mark 2 version.

Nasaman, I want a cut from your profits for the
"review of this tweak under my new company's name: "NasaMan",
One final thought.

Please be careful when adding too many of the copper sleeves to ones system. I own a Synergistic Research PowerCell 10 SE. Everything is plugged into this powercell. Including all my Audio, Video, Home theater, etc.

I have found that a copper sleeve on the CD player IEC is a very good improvement. But, when I continued to add more throughout while keeping everything plugged into the powercell the sound dulled, especially in the high frequencies .

So, experiment, have fun, and lets hope the Economy comes back soon.
Tbg, I think Sabledog is refering to the fact that he can tell the improvement, its not one of those things that you have to convince yourself that there may be an improvement.

What I have noticed is a tightening of the bass and a clearer defined soundstage.

That being said, some posters have stated no improvement and one said it made the treble glare.

The point Sabledog and myself are making is that for a very minimal cost you can experience if the copper sleeve is an improvement for your equipment.
La45, What is double copper shielding?

Nasaman, I liked what the copper sleeve did for the Video. But, in my system with everything now plugged into the Synergistic Powercell too much cooper dulled the Audio high Frequencies. I need to put my Video on a different circuit and then I will re-attach the Copper sleeves over the Video.

Tbg, I disagree, there is a marked improvement to the Synergistic Research Hologram A power cord IEC with the copper shield over it.
However,I have discovered that with the use of the Synergistic Powercell and using the Acoustic Revive RR-77 in the system, the copper sleeve shield over the Hologram A IEC has no longer the improvement. Must be too much of everything attacking the RFI/EMI.
Norm, I think you have both of these items in your system, is that correct?
A gent over at AA suggested using 3/4" copper union (sleeves, couplers) over a CD players Digital inputs and outputs.
He also suggested to use what he called digital "terminators" , which I call shorting plugs.

I was not sure about adding a shorting plug to an output and it made me nervous even trying it.
But, after some assurance from people who sell the digital shorting plugs that they were ok to use on Input and outputs on digital , I gave it a try.

I tried metal Digital shorting plugs on both the coaxial input and output on my Cary 306 SACD Player and it did indeed make a difference. The soundstage and center image improved.
I was very suprised that the shorting plugs will work both on Input and output on digital.

But, when I added the 3/4" copper sleeves over the metal shorting plugs, it dulled the sound, so no go for me on the use of copper sleeves over the digital shorting plugs.

Perhaps if the shorting plugs were plastic then the copper sleeves might have made an improvement...
Tbg, Thats what I thought that the shorting plugs were not to be used on outputs.

So, I sent an email to the gent selling some of these shorting plugs on Audiogon, here is a portion of his reply.
"Hi, Thank you for your inquiry. The digital-terminators can be uses on in- and outputs. The analog-terminators "shorties" can only be used on inputs - never on outputs! "

Then I dug up a review of the Digital Shorting plugs.

From a review of the digital shorting plugs.
"Now this one is completely new to me – both the concept and the application. The explanation for its effectiveness is somewhat different; it aims to combat not RFI but internal ‘reflections’ from unused S/PDIF in/outputs on CD players, transports and DACs, these claimed to interfere with the main output signal"

I had some old RCA shorting plugs , some marked Digital and other analog. I used the the digital ones in both my CD Players input and output and it was a marked improvement. Putting copper sleeves over the Shorting plug dulled the sound.
When I pulled the copper sleeves off of the shorting plugs the CD player glitched and froze.
I unplugged and replugged the player and all is well, but I am not using the copper sleeves over the shorting plug..
There is a resistor.

"A 75 Ohm resistor within an RCA phono plug for the termination of the unused digital output or input can avoid this problem. The result is a more accurate, cleaner and well-balanced sound."
Jejaudio, Sorry, but I am not understanding what you are recommending.
Are you putting the teflon tape over the power cord female IEC conductors? Or are you putting it over the the CD Players male IEC conductors? Or what ?
Tonywinsc, Its hard to believe that a 1 " coupler fit over your power cord. You must be using an el cheapo cord.
So, you are out $1.88 for trying,,,
Better to put your money into a quality power cord.
Tbg, the nice thing about this tweak is you can update it to a newer model for just a few bucks.
Unlike some cable upgrades that require $$$.
I just put the copper sleeve over the Mad Scientist Neo Power cord that plugs into my PS Audio P10.
I'll be...better video and audio.
You guys are never short of "your opinions".
Still, while you guys rave about $15,000+ power cords, this tweak can be tried for $2 bucks.
I think Digital Equipment is the best place to try the Copper Sleeve.
And... it probably matters the type of IEC plug on the cable. Most are only made out of some form of plastic.

But, the higher end companies like Furutech or Oyaide use plugs/IEC made out of solid aluminum. Gee, I wonder why?

Next, I may experiment with using Carbon Fiber either inside or outside the copper sleeve.
So, I just inserted a thin piece of carbon fiber inside the copper sleeve...
Though I had high hopes for the carbon fiber insert, to me, it was not an improvement.
There is defiantly a difference with using the copper sleeve.
I cant believe you can't detect it with all of your expensive equipment. I would say it is providing a shield around the IEC similar to what Furutech or Oyaide does with there Hi End power/IEC's that utilize aluminum and carbon fiber.
Perhaps with the magnetism from your HI Fidelity cables it is minimizing the effect.

But, I sometimes think with the copper sleeve over the IEC it accents the treble a little too much.
Swinfrey, Sometimes too many of them will dull the sound. But, do try them everywhere.

Thanks for resurrecting this old thread.
As I ended up purchasing better power cords and/or added Furutech NCF fittings I found that the copper sleeve is no longer necessary. But for those power cords still using plastic type fittings the copper sleeve just might make that great improvement.
Anyway you can post a picture of the final result?


So are you saying to try the copper sleeve over the Furutech NCF?
I am a little confused about the super sleeve and the cork.
Can you post a picture on your system page?
