Converting balanced to RCA?

I was just given a Panasonic DAT Recorder. It has balanced analog in/outs. Is there an easy way of converting this to RCA type connectors so I can interface it with my pre-amp?
oops, i guess i spoke too soon - a search turned chuck levin's up on the www:

alexc, no www - yust the local place to buy musical instruments & pro gear. i wasd *gonna* order 'em from a place like marketek, but the local store had 'em in-stock & i wanted 'em *now*! price was yust an added benny. if ya know the exact config - m-m, m-f, etc., mebbe they'd do a mail-order....
Sedond - Wow! Does the shop you use have a WebSite? I ordered a couple of the Neutrik adpaters for $ 7.00 from a large electronics firm on the web and they came disassembled.
the $7 neutriks i bought were plug-n-play; they're in use currently, no soldering required....
I mail-ordered the Neutrik RCA to XLR adapters from Markertek for $10.95 a piece. They came assembled and worked perfectly.
Marklivia - Well, if you had bought them form Markertek, they would have been assembled. That's why they charge a couple of bucks more tha other places. Same connector Sedond canbuy for $ 7, sans the soldering (which, given my utter lack of skill w/ a soldering iron, is well worth the couple extra bucks)
i've gotten these adapters but they did'nt come wired interally. can anyone tell me how to do this? thanks in advance
The Neutrik adapters from Markertekt are a great deal. I own these and the BAT adapters and, in my system, they work just as well as the 1/10 the price
If you can't find these adapters locally you can order them from Markertek - they have decent prices on good quality Neutrik adapters, about $11 ea.
Enter neutrik NA2FPMF in the search box to see what's available. I've used these adapters and recommend them.
go to your local pro-audio store, ya know - the obnes that sell to musicians, w/all the stage amps/speakers/instruments, etc. they should be able to sell ya some neutrik rca-xlr adaptors for <$10 each - yust as good as the bat stuff w/o the big price-tag...

Balanced Audio Technology make real nice adaptors that will suit your purpose well. Check them out at:

Though the adaptors do not show on the web page, you will be able to contact them for a dealer local to you who stocks 'em.

Good luck!
