Converting balanced to RCA?

I was just given a Panasonic DAT Recorder. It has balanced analog in/outs. Is there an easy way of converting this to RCA type connectors so I can interface it with my pre-amp?

Showing 5 responses by sedond

the $7 neutriks i bought were plug-n-play; they're in use currently, no soldering required....
go to your local pro-audio store, ya know - the obnes that sell to musicians, w/all the stage amps/speakers/instruments, etc. they should be able to sell ya some neutrik rca-xlr adaptors for <$10 each - yust as good as the bat stuff w/o the big price-tag...
alexc, no www - yust the local place to buy musical instruments & pro gear. i wasd *gonna* order 'em from a place like marketek, but the local store had 'em in-stock & i wanted 'em *now*! price was yust an added benny. if ya know the exact config - m-m, m-f, etc., mebbe they'd do a mail-order....
oops, i guess i spoke too soon - a search turned chuck levin's up on the www: