Convert Flac to Wav - how to & HD space need?


Have all my CDs ripped to FLAC, and want to convert them to uncompressed WAV files.

I currently have 1100 CDs, using up 308 GBs(In FLAC).

Which software do you recommend to convert to WAV?
How much more space will I need on my HD?


Showing 1 response by tmesselt

So I know this thread hasn't had any posts lately, but I figured it would be best to post here than start a new thread based on the same ideas.
So I am dealing with the same questions as which format I want to go with, flac or wav. Already I have my collection in flac. What I was wondering is that if I uncompress these flacs to wavs will the wavs be the exact same thing as an original cd ripped to wav or will the so called sonic differences in lossless codecs still be there when I uncompress? Just want to know, cause I could just re-rip directly to wav, or just do a batch conversion flac->wav if thats all I need to do.